Let’s work together

These are the different options with which your company can collaborate to change the world.

Finance a project or part of a project
Finance a project or part of a project

Finance a project or part of a project

At the Anesvad Foundation we work to fight forgotten diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. Research, prevention, education, sanitation and treatment are some of the projects we lead to ensure that no person or disease is forgotten and excluded from the right to health.

We are able to build and sustain valuable projects thanks to companies like yours through what we call Impact Finance. Because providing health has never been easier.

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Collaborate with the Progress Fund
Collaborate with the Progress Fund

Collaborate with the Progress Fund

In 2019 the Business Progress Fund was created by the companies that collaborate with the Anesvad Foundation to provide a fund that annually responds to the emergency needs that arise in the health centres in Ghana, Benin, Togo and Ivory Coast. Centres where the Anesvad Foundation works to make its cause, offering quality health care to people affected by forgotten diseases (leprosy, yaws and Buruli ulcer), a reality.

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Strategic impact partnership
Strategic impact partnership

Strategic impact partnership

Becoming our strategic Impact Partner means becoming part of the solution. We’re looking for companies that go beyond offering financial solutions to also provide innovative, holistic, technical and, most importantly, sustainable proposals. A long-term partnership built by experts.

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Actividades probono
Actividades  probono

Actividades probono

If your core business as a company can help the Anesvad Foundation’s cause, you can always contribute by offering your services at below-market cost.

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Sponsor cultural and/or sporting events
Sponsor cultural and/or sporting events

Sponsor cultural and/or sporting events

Sponsor cultural and/or sporting events that bring together the interests of your company and those of the Anesvad Foundation to go further through culture and sport.

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Share our mission and projects
Share our mission and projects

Share our mission and projects

We welcome your sharing our cause and projects on your website, social media, with your teams, clients, suppliers… Ultimately, it’s a change that we are building together.

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Hello, I’m Ana. You can rely on me to help you make the best decision for your company.

Fund a project

We fight the diseases that no one wants to see in the most forgotten places on the planet.

Fondo avanza
Fondo avanza

What can Anesvad do for your company?


Share the collaboration on its website, magazine, social media, newsletter to members and press release.

Transparency and guarantee that your contribution reaches its destination.

Contribution to the 2030 Agenda / SDGs / Health and Well-being.


Talent retention, pride of belonging.

35% corporate income tax deduction on the donation.


Donation to the same organisation for at least 3 years

35% tax deduction

Donation to the same organisation for more than 3 years

40% tax deduction

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For the Anesvad Foundation, meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is much more than a goal; it’s part of our cause.

Close cooperation between civil society, governments and the private sector is today vital when it comes to solving humanity’s major challenges and “leaving no one behind”.

Leave no one behind

Por primera vez, nuestro foco, las enfermedades olvidadas están expresamente recogidas en las metas universales de desarrollo.

Expresamente en:

ODS 3, salud y bienestar y la meta 3.3: De aquí a 2030 poner fin a las epidemias del SIDA, la tuberculosis, la malaria y las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas y combatir la hepatitis, las enfermedades transmitidas por el agua y otras enfermedades transmisibles.

Pero hay mucho más, luchando contra las enfermedades desatendidas, contribuímos además en:

ODS 5, igualdad entre los géneros y empoderamiento de mujeres y niñas.
ODS 6, agua limpia y saneamiento.
ODS 13, cambio climático y sus efectos.