We answer your questions.
We help you with whatever you need.
We have some of the most frequently asked questions that may be of help to you. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us, it will be a pleasure to help you.
What does it mean to become a partner of the Anesvad Foundation?
Being part of the Anesvad Foundation is much more than donating. It means being part of the change. Our cause is about health care, about forgotten people affected by forgotten diseases in places nobody looks at.
Thanks to you we raise awareness about these diseases so that they can be researched, treated and eradicated.
How will your contribution be used?
Las donaciones y las cuotaDonations and membership fees are critical to the Anesvad Foundation’s mission. Almost 98% of our income comes from private sources and the rest comes from public organisations, including several government’s international cooperation agencies and private foundations.
Are my donations to Anesvad Foundation deductible?
Your donations are extremely important to the Anesvad Foundation. Not only do you help support our work, but you can also benefit from tax deductions on your income tax return. That is why we request information such as National ID card number (individuals) or Tax ID number (companies) and postal address, since we need this information in order to send it to the tax authorities along with your contributions. (link to the Personal Income Tax)
Individuals (Personal Income tax):
You will be able to deduct 75% of the first €150 you donate from the full amount of your tax return, based on the total amount donated to one or more NGOs. Anything over €150 is eligible for a 30% deduction. If you have contributed the same amount or more to the same NGO as you did in the previous two years, this percentage rises from 30% to 35%, which rewards you for your loyalty over time.
- Bizkaia/Araba/Gipuzkoa: You will be able to deduct 20% from the full amount of your tax return.
- Navarre: You will be able to deduct 80% of the first €150 donated from the full amount of your tax return. Anything over €150 will be subject to a 35% deduction.
Legal entity (Corporation Tax):
For each amount that a legal entity (company) donates to an organisation there is a 35% tax deduction. If an equal or higher amount is donated to the same entity in the following years, the deduction will be 40% of the donation.
What is the relationship between the Anesvad Foundation and its members?
Any positive impact needs to be communicated and therefore we believe that it is crucial to inform our members of the progress we have made thanks to their contributions.
Unless you indicate otherwise, you will receive communications via email, post and telephone. You will also receive our monthly digital newsletter and, twice a year, our magazine, in either a digital or printed version, whichever you prefer. You can also find out more about our work on our social media profiles.
You can also donate by bank transfer.
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Are you unsure about how to contribute?
Call us on 94 441 80 08 or write to us at anesvad@anesvad.org